Daily Quote and Reflection–Secret to Living a No Regrets Life.

Quote :ay call yours Sons,” he would tell my three brothers and me, “don’t worry about whether you’re better than somebody else, but never cease trying to be the best you can become. You have control over that; the other you don’t.” Time spent comparing myself to others, he cautioned, was time wasted. “Johnny, work hard to get as good as you can get,” he’d say. “Do that and you will be a success. Do less and you have fallen short.”John Wooden, UCLA Basketball coach ON Leadership

Reflection: What are the barriers in your life that keep you from doing your best? How can I find the energy and enthusiasm to keep doing my best?

Coach Wooden’s Pyramid of Success was one of the first models I learned in studying about how to develop leaders. His model has  stood the the test of time. I still remember his personal mission statement: – Making the Most of Oneself by being true to yourself and helping others,.


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